平面設計組Graphic Design。優選獎 Honorable Mentions
21 世紀的今天,人與人之間持續互相戰爭互相傷害,心裡永遠隔著一道牆阻擋與自己不同的人、不同的聲音接觸;人與自然間更是失去了和諧。因此現在的我們應該重拾古代人的精神,就好比夏荊山〈桃李夜宴圖〉的人們一樣寄情山水、天人 合一, 以包容的胸襟與感恩的心重新與人聯結、與大自然 共生共存,正如同這隱含了人形的山巒一般,連綿不絕、永恆地存在。
In 21st century, people keep fighting and harming each other, and there is always a wall blocking us to connect with others from the bottom of our heart. People also lose the harmony with nature. Therefore, we should pick up ancient people's spirit again, just like people in Preface to Night Banquet under Peach and Plum Blossoms concern themselves with the harmony of men and nature-Reconnect people with magnanimity and gratitude and coexist with nature. As continuous people-like mountains depicted in the graphic design, the harmony of men and nature exist everlastingly.
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